Some of the definitions below propose to conceptualize items which actually can never be completely described verbally nor mathematically. This glossary is a work in progress. The terms are described in context of Open Mystic topics. What is...? Analogy - "the core of cognition" - a common, accessible, and essential means of identifying relationships between pairs of objects or subjects. See more here. "Open Mystic" - person who is functionally open to receiving transient "data" from meta-structures existing outside the normal borders of their personal experience, i.e. transcendence. Requires skill, practice, and preparation plus is - by analogy with real world martial arts arrow catching - potentially hazardous. Has implications for parapsychology. In the context of this essay set the potentially successful "Open Mystic" may be the broad polymath (Renaissance person). Experience with non-verbal "data" such as practiced in the arts may be essential. Autodidact - essentially a self-taught individual. See a more detailed description of the concept here. Meaningful spiritual or mystical insight may likely require individual study. The "knowledge industry" surely provides grist for temporal aperture expansion, but successful integration of that knowledge may require years of further contemplation and variegated studies on one's own.
Critical Mass - it is proposed that once an
individual has expanded their individual "temporal aperture surround" (as
discussed in the essays) to
some critical size, a life changing existential crisis may possibly
result in an enlightenment. Enlightenment - as applies to an individual this may ultimately stem from a drive to read underlying patterns and find a unitary meaning in all diverse every day events and situations. The drive is conscious and deliberate in assembling semi-occult meanings to conclusions that have a reasonable statistical reliability that can survive criticism, whether external or internal. "Iterative Convergence" (see below) may play a role in this process in that ongoing conclusions need to be validated to the greatest extent possible. Iterative convergence would be the incremental "fine tuning" phase. Tools such as analogy, inductive reasoning, and lateral thinking are important here. God/Deity - the case of an Infinite Temporal Aperture where a meta-structure is taken to include all power, objects, and events in an infinite array of dimensions through an infinite history. This meta-structure would include all nodal temporal apertures (as in people). All "contents" of this Infinite Temporal Aperture case would be in a perfect balance which makes it possible for such a God/Deity to exist everywhere but be forever inconceivable nor detectable to an ordinary human consciousness. That balance is possible since the God/Deity would comprise everything and its opposite in a perfect cancellation. To aspire to being "godlike" a person clearly needs to deliberately expand their temporal aperture to the greatest extent possible given their personal limitations, i.e. attempt to become the broadest possible fully inclusive polymath ("Renaissance person"). In the Open Mystic context, this is the ideal chosen life. The old saw "God created man in his own image" actually makes logical sense if one conceptually extrapolates complex homeostasis as well as the elaborate "man made" control systems in all types of machines to Infinity. Grace - there are as many descriptions and definitions of grace as there are religions. Were there ever to be such a concept within the Open Mystic rubric, it is proposed to be present in an individual whose broad transcendent skills are unexplainably inordinate and radiant. The requisite skills potentially available to everyone anywhere were specially "decrypted" for this individual for no apparent deserved reason. That person would be "graced" as they are able to apprehend ostensibly hidden meanings. It is proposed that such apprehension could be most realistic, honest, and accurate when done with the broadest possible mindset. The broader, more fully inclusive the view, the better the accuracy. Iterative Convergence - in the present context this is an essential problem solving process where an issue is repeatedly visited in search of an answer. Optimally, there is a pause of time - possibly hours, days, or weeks, etc - between each "iteration" in order to allow, if not invite, intrusion of hints, ideas, and/or insights from the edge of consciousness. Everyone has "afterthoughts", and this is a formalized method which capitalizes on that commonly observed phenomenon. The Open Mystic website in fact is an ongoing product of iterative convergence. Kōan - see detailed description here. Many Open Mystic notions are necessarily beyond rational understanding with an everyday consciousness. The quasi-paradoxes that arise may be natural kōans. Love - a word with megatons of baggage. In the Open Mystic context it comprises a drive to take the best possible care of the object of love and see to its, his, or her well-being. The object of love may be animate, inanimate, or mixed, i.e., "I love my wife//car//the Earth." The act of love in whatever context takes on a spiritual vector where there is the additional drive to do one's best to ensure the longest possible lifespan for whatever object of love, be it wife, car, or the Earth in this simple example. A generally "spiritual person" would in this context open mindedly intend to ensure the longest possible lifespan of every animate, inanimate, or mixed object to the best of their ability, knowledge, and skill. The broader the education and knowledge of the subject here, i.e. as in polymath or "Renaissance person", the more likely would the love intention succeed. Paradox - see detailed description here. The Open Mystic necessarily encounters seemingly endless paradoxes as the "temporal aperture" expands to meta-regional borders. Renaissance Person - see description here and here. A "Renaissance man" or polymath is necessarily a person with an expanded nodal temporal aperture. In the present context, it is a highly desirable, essential trait to acquire through as many possible educational situations as possible. See Semper Factotal. Semper Factotal - derived from Latin and meaning "always doing everything". An Open Mystic "rallying cry" expression to denote the Renaissance person ideal of broad inclusiveness. Spirituality - to search for something that endures forever – to seek a form or meta-form that is truly context independent. An obvious parallel is that any "infinite meta-form" ("God") would not have a time-limited endurance, and so a spiritual search comprises the seeking of that which endures forever - or at least the longest conceivable time in everyday world considerations. In the Open Mystic rubric such a meta-form would be all-encompassing and would comprise an “infinite temporal aperture”. As covered in some essays, an all-comprising ubiquitous meta-form "deity" would be non-detectable to the every day human consciousness since all of the infinite components would exist in a perfect balance - a state of perfect cancellation. In this way a "deity" could be everywhere at all times but never directly "visible". Organized religions as we know them do not tout the spirituality as defined here as a primary goal. It is at best a sideline item. Temporal Aperture - literally an "opening in time" (TA). This is a conceptual handle in these essays for the everyday working consciousness. A polymath or "Renaissance person" could be said to have a broad "temporal aperture". This is the sum total of one's aspect in all conceivable areas - physical, mental, psychological, etc., etc. The TA would be a person's nominal identity as John Smith or Jane Rogers, etc. - but more. In the current context, an ideal goal is to expand the TA to the greatest extent possible on every conceivable front so as to attempt to become as fully inclusive as possible, i.e. as in "Renaissance person". Ideally the "Temporal Aperture" might approach (asymptotically) the case of the Infinite Temporal Aperture = aspiration to become "Godlike", meaning fully inclusive. The term "temporal aperture" would include nominal human consciousness along with any transcendent knowledge. "I'm not gonna wait until I die to find out if there is reincarnation. We can reincarnate while we live, right?" (Moon - from movie "This Girl's Life" 2003)
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