~ Open Source Mysticism
A Fully Inclusive Consciousness Model Hazards
of Consciousness Expansion
There are numerous pitfalls to awareness expansion:
- If one
successfully can enlarge their temporal aperture, that is, expand awareness,
their self-identity will increasingly blur. This could be psychologically uncomfortable.
One can conceivably create new ones as one moves along and
grows. All the world's a stage as Shakespeare said, so one should enjoy
the show maximally the biggest temporal aperture one can
stand to put together.
- Any form
of learning and awareness expansion brings with it the complication of conflicts as
new knowledge contradicts the old. These conflicts are
stressful. Stress management skills will be seriously tested. If
they aren't, then that's a clue that one hasn't been fully successful
in the temporal aperture expansion process.
- Minor neuroses can become major psychoses. If one successfully expands their temporal aperture through problem solving,
learning, and contemplating, one becomes more aware of nuances in
everyday surroundings. One will also become more aware of nuances
within their own psyche. In that area, small psychological and
emotional issues can become much bigger ones. A stable person with
a nominal temporal aperture volume may become an mentally unstable
person with an expanded awareness. This is a most significant
- Mental stresses as above will surely be
reflected in the dynamics of the sympathetic nervous system. The
successful seeker will likely wind up with an unhealthy high sympathetic nervous
system tone without definite steps to counter this insidious problem. There is a serious potential for psychosomatic complaints as even
subtle mental conflicts can become widely variegated physical
issues. In the mystical literature there are numerous allusions in
this area frequently expressed in the form of allegories.
- Any mystical or spiritual endeavor risks
social alienation as a growing virtual distance develops between the seeker
and mainstream society. Depending on the culture, this could be
intense if not life threatening.
Consider an ordinary hand held police scanner. All users of these
radios know that the receivers produce "birdies". If
the receiver is inadvertently tuned to the frequency of an internal
birdie, it will lock up and no longer receive outside signals - a
working micro-definition of psychosis. Similarly, a person with
newly heightened awareness can conceivably be overwhelmed by their
own internal "birdies". The same sensitivities that
beautifully acquire the outside world will also acquire an inner
world - thereby causing latent weaknesses to become disastrous
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November 22, 2007
(start Feb. 6, 2005) |
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