The term "paranormal" means "beyond
normal" (para + normal). The temporal aperture
continuum model suggests that the larger the temporal aperture
volume associated with a given person or entity, the less the
likelihood that a given event is paranormal. It stands
to reason. For an entity - really a deity - blessed with a
hypothetical infinite temporal aperture volume, absolutely
nothing would be paranormal since all events and objects in
all dimensions forever would be part of that entity's
here-and-now experience. At the other end on the
temporal aperture continuum where our hypothetical amoeba
resides, just about any event and insight outside of
microscopic movements would be paranormal. What may be
normal for an individual with an expanded temporal aperture
could be paranormal for a person with a narrower temporal
aperture. The term "paranormal" is highly
relative in the temporal aperture consciousness model.
Getting to our every day existence, let's speculate on how
an ESP event may manifest. Such events are statistically
beyond our normal experience and are labeled paranormal.
On page 11 we observe that all
energy and knowledge exists and is conveyed as scintillations
- a multidimensional spray of waves and/or particles that we
capture and integrate into sensations, perceptions, and
concepts. We filter most of that stream in the course of our
existence due to typical human three-dimensional limitations
as discussed earlier. So in the temporal aperture model, an
ESP event occurs when a person successfully apprehends and
cognizes a statistically unexpected bit of meaningful
knowledge in the vast stream available to everyone.
Let's turn once again to technical analogy to propose the
mechanisms for an ephemeral ESP event. Our everyday knowledge
and experience is comprised of integrated forms we habitually
assemble from the spray of incoming information. These
events are nominally solid and coherent to create the illusion
of a smooth stable existence framework for our lives.
However, it is likely that a fringe "signal" may
statistically be detected and cognized outside the normal
range of experience. What we would label ESP event
information is always present but only statistically captured
since we prefer to cognize within our habitual and expected
psychological constructs.
So finally let's look at real world radio receiving systems
to see if we can derive some clues to the process of a "fringe reception" labeled ESP in the same way we
analogized the temporal aperture notion to the aperture of a
common antenna structure. Any contemporary receiving
system we choose will necessarily be incomplete - as are all
concepts - since we have only current technology to study, and
this technology will inevitably improve. But we'll do
the best we can.
In general, the most modern communication systems
"spread spectrum" technology where bits of
information are conveyed on carrier frequencies that are
sequenced over a wide range of frequencies. The receiver
typically requires a "key" that describes the
sequencing so that the transmitted frequencies can be tracked,
detected, and ultimately integrated to recover data.
Earlier these systems were used in exotic or military
situations for reliability and/or security reasons.
Nowadays cordless and cellular phones using this technology can be bought at
reasonable cost. Modern digital
electronics has commodified a once rare and expensive
There's an interesting history to spread
spectrum technology. It was earlier called
"frequency hopping" and was a June
10, 1941 patented invention by actress Hedy Lamarr and
music composer George Antheil. They relied on music analogies to generate a significant technical invention in the
same way that we are here relying on technical analogies to
create our new temporal aperture consciousness model. In
fact Hedy Lamarr may be a poster person for all the notions in
this website with her extreme personality diversity ranging
from stunningly beautiful actress to technological
visionary. Similarly with musical and technical visionary George
Antheil. Here we have an example how nominally unsophisticated
persons with broad agile minds could demonstrate recognizable
genius in an unpredicted way.
A suitable spread spectrum radio system requires:
- An appropriate antenna
- A broadband, sensitive specialized receiver
- A agile frequency control system
The sentient being analogy to these components is a
combination of sensitive awareness and the broadest possible
development of the mind across its potential
capabilities. This analogy leads to the conclusion that
a "renaissance person" or
polymath with the widest variety of
mental skills and development at hand would be most likely to
be able to integrate incoming scintillated data that is not so
neatly coherent as the common everyday experiences expected by
our nominally habituated minds. Not only would the
broadly developed person possibly be better able to integrate
seemingly disconnected knowledge, but that person's mind will
likely be more agile than usual as it must constantly make the
shift from one mental mode to another, i.e., designing a
rocket motor in the afternoon and doing a ballet class in the
evening. This agility is very important by our spread spectrum
"frequency hopping" analogy from radio
communications systems.
A good artistic interpretation skill may come in handy also
since the mind may respond to incomplete fringe
"data" and present images and concepts only vaguely
related to a potential full meaning. ESP events may thus often
have the accuracy of information presented in dreams since the
incoming information is incomplete and only partially
coherent. We may all constantly receive ESP information, but
the bits and pieces are generally incomprehensible in the
manner of dream experiences. A "broadband"
mind would have the best shot at collecting as much fringe ESP
information as possible so as to integrate it to the most
valid potential meaning.
Furthermore, it may be possible for that broadband
polymath mind to better capture fringe ESP data
if it had a "key" as in the spread spectrum radio
system. The nature and acquisition of that key is an
interesting question. It would have to first be defined. It
may be that the person or entity with the largest temporal
aperture extent simply has a big collection of
"encryption" keys.
Here is a summary:
- "Paranormal" is a relative term dependent on
the extent of a subject's temporal aperture. Events that
are paranormal in a lesser temporal aperture volume would
be normal in a larger - more inclusive - temporal
- The proposed best "receiver" for statistical
ESP events may be the person with the broadest, most agile
mindscape. In fact, this is a working definition of a more
extensive temporal aperture volume. The personal
psychology diversity in a true renaissance person may give
them large advantage in potentially recovering and
cognizing ESP sensations, perceptions, and concepts. This
stands to reason regardless of whether one accepts the
temporal aperture consciousness model.
- Everyone alive can accurately claim to have occasional
ESP or "psi" experiences as they randomly and
accidentally access fringe data. It may be possible
to optimize the mind for these experiences by training it
to be as broad and agile as possible.
- It is proposed that psi event data is
everywhere present the same as our more commonly acquired
events. We may however lack a "key" not
unlike the encryption key that controls laptop usage in a
Starbuck's or every day wireless home computer
network. As it were, the computer is locked out of
the Internet until a key is typed in. In the human analogy
case, it will be interesting to ascertain the nature of
such keys in our own cognition realms.