~ Open Source Mysticism
A Fully Inclusive Consciousness Model 
Encryption Keys (2)

A common Windows computer is always set up to recognize and act upon a number of different file types representing perhaps Word documents (.doc), Windows Media Player files (such as .wmv movies), Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), web pages (such as .html), and many others depending on your preferences and customizations. Each time the user adds a program to the computer, the 'file association' list expands and so with the machine's functionality.

If, say, a more exotic sound file type such as ".ogg" or ".flac" is presented the machine will produce an error message saying it cannot process the file.  The user can add another program which gives the computer instruction on handling these new file types and so on. Most computer users are familiar with this little dance.

The file associations collectively are labels for the machine's internal "key ring" for opening functionality as desired by the computer's user.  If the computer were a conscious being, that label set would denote the machine's temporal aperture - its functional opening through time. It is a mostly static temporal aperture as it were and is visible on a Windows computer in Windows Explorer at Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types.  This may be a more easily visualized view for the temporal aperture metaphor.

In a far more complex context, the human mind and body are infused with an enormous number of associations. "Association" is a working term in psychology. Associations constitute the vast constructs we live by in the same way the computer's file association list denotes its own functionality.

The association metaphors primarily address the local life of the computer as with the internal life of the human mind and body by analogy.  However, for outside world connectivity the allied network encryption key metaphor was used on page 16.  This is a form of external association not unlike the encryption key system used to connect a computer to a wide area network such as the Internet The encryption key associates a computer within that external network.  While the file associations are a local methodology, the encryption key is a wider outside area mechanism just as with the computer.

Our set of available associations and keys denote our temporal aperture extent. Much more interesting however are these cases at boundaries and beyond.

Let's speculate on psi phenomena ("ESP") in this context. It was proposed earlier that there is much incoming data with which we can neither connect nor associate in the computer sense.  While the mechanoid computer may simply present an error message on meeting an unsupportable association, the more dynamic mind may attempt to provide the nearest reasonable substitute.  We can try proposed real world examples.

Suppose a person were marginally but genuinely clairvoyant. There was a recent tragic prison fire in the Dominican Republic where more than 100 persons died.  Our hypothetical person was startled to get a remote clairvoyant viewing of this.  However, the image took the form of a dreamlike fire in a 19th century Old West jail house. It was a realistic and disturbing psi event. However, the connection to the actual prison fire was poorly formed.  It turns out that our example person is often absorbed with enjoying Western serials and movies, and so their mind presented the nearest association it had on hand to the actual remote view as clairvoyantly experienced. In this scenario, the mind was not unlike a MIDI controlled musical instrument that produces an output derived from its sound sample database. Another instrument may get the same MIDI data stream, but it's audible output will have a different timbre due to a different internal sound database.

Similarly there could have been an unsung example where during the September 11, 2001 attack an American Indian thousands of miles away had a fleeting vivid image of a huge eagle flying into a window and thereby dying in a large splattered mess. The hypothetical Indian had a clairvoyant vision, but given incomplete "data" their mind substituted imagery from own personal experience and concerns rather than a literal video style movie of the event.  Again, our MIDI instrument analogy.

Consider the not uncommon experience where in a face-to-face conversation, one suddenly knows exactly what the other person will say next. In this instance both persons are immediately sharing the experience of a conversation, and both minds are on the topic. Hence there may be a much greater odds that the ESP experience will be literal.  It is proposed that the further the separation in time, space, and experience, the less likely a given psi event will have literal - easily understood - content.  

In other words, our own psychological associations and keys that are reasonably accurate in common everyday experience may gradually fail to provide literal meaning as incoming "data" becomes more removed from local or immediate experience. The larger and therefore more inclusive one's temporal aperture surround extent may be, the larger the acceptance of psi events in more remote time, space, and experience.

The bottom line is proposed to be that the mind's association and key collections provide functionality on a continuum of time, space, and experience unlike the computer example where the machine either works or it doesn't.  Therefore the more inclusive a given mind is - larger temporal aperture, the more likely it can accurately cognize remote psi experiences from which a statistically average person could never derive any meaning. 

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    Email   December 2, 2010
(start Mar. 7, 2005) 
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